
This repository is going to be for problem solving tasks provided by ASAC team - Java Advanced course

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LEFT JOIN means all the values in the first hashmap are returned, and if values exist in the “right” hashmap, they are appended to the result row otherwise a null will be added in-pace.


This challenge asks to implement a function that takes two hashmaps of a word and its synonym and a word with its antonym and should return a set of words with their synonym and antonym.

Approach & Efficiency

For my approach I looped over the first hashmap (left hashmap )that has words and their synonyms and add them to a list and add the antonym of that word if exists in the right hashmap. Then I add that arrayList to the answer arrayList of arrayLists , finally I return the answer. Complexity of my solution takes O(n)- n : the size of the left hashmap - for the space complexity and O(n*m)- n: the length of the left hashmap , m: complexity of getting a value for certain key - for time complexity.

