
This repository is going to be for problem solving tasks provided by ASAC team - Java Advanced course

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Challenge Summary

This challenge asks me to create a method to traverse over a tree and return a list of its elements in breadth first order which goes level by level from left to right.

Whiteboard Process

Approach & Efficiency

in my code I am using a queue.
I take the root of my tree and add it to my queue then while my queue is not empty I remove the queue’s front node and add its left node if exists then its right if exists, and add the node’s value to my list .
after the queue gets empty I return the list. My algorithm takes O(n) for space complexity, and O(n) for time complexity.


To rum this method you have to make a new BinaryTree or a new BinarySearchTree and call the .breadthFirst() method. And you can test my application using ./gradlew run command.